Entypo is a suite of 411 carefully crafted premium pictograms by Daniel Bruce.
我們相信「樂趣」可以讓人們的生活更美好,而 Fourdesire 則是一切事物從「無聊」變成「有趣」的起點。Fourdesire 是一間嘗試結合「樂趣」、「設計」與「科技」的數位設計公司,埋首在行動裝置 App 的開發與設計上,但我們相信「玩樂」這種人們的天性可以幫助我們解決更多現實生活的問題。
MaYang是一个提供超过2350个免费纹理素材的网站,所有的素材均可免费下载并应用于商业或者非商业的设计,这些高分辨率纹理素材适用于3d Studio Max, Maya, Blender, Photoshop等软件。
Free advice on presentations, powerpoint, templates and speeches. Includes a range of free PowerPoint templates.
Design Tutorials, Graphic Design Articles and Free Resource Downloads from the blog of Graphic Designer Chris Spooner.
BORN is the home of beautiful new design products. Discover, finance and buy the latest products in technology, fashion, sports and home design. Connect with the brands behind them.
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