爱德华王子岛大学(University of Prince Edward Island,简称UPEI)是加拿大爱德华王子岛省内唯一的大学,位于人口不足3万的省会夏洛特(Chalottetown)镇,是加拿大最年轻的大学之一,1969年由St Dundstan’s大学和Prince of Wales学院合并而成。有教师180人,学生3560人,图书馆共有藏书48600册,设有文科、商科、教育、工程家庭经济、音乐、理科、医科等多种专业。www.upei.ca - 2020-06-18
The Industry Standard features news and analysis that covers emerging technologies and companies, venture funding, acquisitions, site launches, and other developments in the internet space.www.thestandard.com - 2020-03-04
Technicolor is the world\'s largest film processor; the largest independent manufacturer and distributor of DVDs (including Blu-ray Disc); and, a leading global supplier of set-top boxes and gateways.www.technicolor.com - 2020-02-26
Official Hewlett-Packard site - Buy or learn about HP printers, laptops, computers, digital cameras, servers, storage, networking, software, enterprise solutions and more.www.hp.com - 2020-02-25
Global Web site of Canon. The reformation and the expansion that healthily becomes it hangs, and Canon Inc. aims at further development.www.canon.com - 2020-02-23