Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., (MMNA) is responsible for all manufacturing, finance, sales, marketing, research and development operations for Mitsubishi Motors in the United - 2022-01-13
麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,缩写:MIT)是美国一所综合性私立大学,有“世界理工大学之最”的美名。位于麻萨诸塞州的波士顿,查尔斯河(Charles River)将其与波士顿的后湾区(Back Bay)隔开。 - 2020-03-22
Mitsubishi Corporation is a Japan\'s largest general trading company (sogo shosha) with over 200 bases of operations in approximately 80 countries - 2020-02-24
墨尔本皇家理工大学( Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 简称RMIT)包含数个校区,分别位于墨尔本市中心和郊区-Bundoora, Fishermans, Bend和Brunswick。本校是一所全方位的学府,课程内容和业界所需密切衔接,学生可依程度选择大学先修班、专科课程、大学、硕士、博士班就读。 - 2020-01-23