佛罗里达大学(英语:The University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida)是位于美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville,又译盖恩思维尔、甘思维尔)的一所公立研究型大学。佛罗里达大学是加入美国大学协会的美国和加拿大的主要62所研究型大学之一,建校可追溯至1853年。www.ufl.edu - 2020-07-03
Founded in 1881, Dana Hall School in Wellesley, Mass., is an independent boarding and day school for girls in grades 6-12.www.danahall.org - 2020-03-05
IDG is the world\'s leading technology media, events and research company. Since its founding in 1964, IDG has been committed to helping people acquire and use technology successfully.www.idg.com - 2020-02-24
Corporate data, board of directors, organization in Japan, business activities, R&D organization, Japanese and overseas affiliates, etc.www.sharp-world.com - 2020-02-22