Citron Research 中文名是香橼,是一群在安德鲁带领下的投资团队对国内各行业投资信息的分享平台。安德鲁作为拥有十七年私人顾问经验的专业投资顾问,在美国主要的大型财务公司拥有客座咨询师的身份。在历经世界多年剧烈经济变化的人生经验下,为投资者带来更独到的见解,更犀利的眼光和更准确的投资定位。 - 2020-04-09
The Industry Standard features news and analysis that covers emerging technologies and companies, venture funding, acquisitions, site launches, and other developments in the internet - 2020-03-04
IDG, the world´s leading technology media, research and event company, reaches more than 140 million technology buyers in 85 countries representing 95% of worldwide IT - 2020-03-02
Computerworld, the \'Voice of IT Management\' is your leading information source for coverage laptops, desktops, softwares, hardwares, security, networking and - 2020-03-01
The Chaintech Computer Corporation was founded in November of 1986 and introduced its own motherboards and video cards into the computer hardware - 2020-02-26
IDG TechNetwork is the premier online advertising network designed for technology marketers and agencies who create high-impact branding, product launch and lead generation - 2020-02-25